Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Indoor golf facility puts the swing back into winter

Imagine the looks Bob Ronca must receive when he loads his clubs in his car and tells his neighbors he is going to "the island" to play golf.

The mere mention conjures soothing images of palm trees and tropical breezes, emerald-green grass and water more blue than Cameron Diaz's eyes. Especially when the snow is blowing and the wind-chill is lower than his handicap (which is about 15).

But at least three times a week, Ronca does just that -- heads to the island to hit balls and get his game ready for the golf season in Western Pennsylvania -- whenever it arrives.

This island, however, is not located off the coast of Florida or floating in some exotic part of the Caribbean.

It's just a wedge shot across the Ohio River from Coraopolis, a narrow parcel littered with industrial plants, weathered warehouses and what is billed as the most spacious indoor golf dome in the country.

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